Thursday, November 29, 2012


The semester went by so fast. Some of you guys are entering into your final semester, others into your second and others in the middle of a limbo time as you are part freshman-sophomorish-junior...ish.

I am thankful everyday that I get to be your pastor, director, leader or whatever it is that I am. I look around at everything-Wesley that the Lord has blessed me with and I think, "Don't mess it up Erwin." I don't take for granted this move to Orlando or all the new changes in my life since June, especially my wife.

I wanted to write this post for a couple of reasons. One, I just wanted to tell you guys that Wesley will miss you. We are excited for the things that are happening at Wesley and look forward to seeing you all next semester. During this time I encourage you to rest---cause yall look tired sometimes---I aint even gonna lie. Really, take time to be present with family, call each other once in a while, email/fb your community group and tell them you are thinking about them and make sure you stay connected with each other. Hey, if you even want to call me you can. You know my cell phone, if not you should. 305-492-5132

The other reason I wanted to write to you all is to talk about what I preached about last Tuesday, COMMITMENT. Especially given some of the recent events happening in the local news dealing with Summit Church. I know a lot of you attend that church and have heard the news. Im going to keep this short and sweet.

Support your church and pray for the family, for Isaac, and for every person involved. Do not leave Summit. When you join a church you make a commitment before God that you will serve that church. You do not make a commitment to God that you will follow a pastor. As was mentioned, the church is bigger than any one person.

From the people that I have met from Summit they have all been mature believers. This difficult time is going to say something about your faith, your commitment to the church and your community and your trust in grace, healing, and mercy. The Christian life is filled with up and downs and I've said this before...It's Hard as Heck. The only way we can get through some things is together. Together.

When the going gets tough some people get going...they run away..they give up.

When the going gets tough Christians come together, pray, worship, and support one another.

My hope is that you would do the same.

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